Disney Plus IMDB extension

IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings for Disney Plus in Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Better browsing for your Disney+ with Chrome extension.

SVODEX browser extension can enhance your Disney+ experience by seamlessly integrating IMDb information into the Disney+ interface. This Disney Plus IMDB extension serve as useful tools for movie and TV show enthusiasts, providing quick access to additional details, ratings, reviews, and recommendations from IMDb without the need to navigate away from the Disney+ platform.

One of the primary features of this Disney+ IMDB extension is the display of IMDb ratings and reviews directly on Disney+. When browsing through the Disney plus catalog, you can see the IMDb rating alongside the title, giving you an idea of its popularity and critical reception. This can be particularly helpful when you're unsure about a particular movie or TV show and want to gauge its quality before investing your time.

SVODEX also provides cross-platform support, allowing IMDb integration not only with Netflix but with other streaming platforms as well. This means you can enjoy IMDb information while browsing through titles on services like (HBO) Max or Netflix. This consistency across different platforms can enhance your overall streaming experience.

Streaming ratings extension

IMDB Ratings plugin for Netflix, Disney+ and HBO Max for your browser. Meet SVODEX - Subscription Video On Demand EXtension which help you better browse Netflix and trim all the bad content.

Chrome extension Edge extension Firefox extension